The Amazing Race Wiki

Felipe Castro and Alejandro Soler are a team of Friends/Doctors on The Amazing Race 3 (Latin America).



  • Age: 33


  • Age: 34

The Amazing Race 3 (Latin America)[]

Race History[]

Felipe & Alejandro's Race History
Episode Leg Destination(s) Detour Choice
Placement Notes
1 1 Argentina Fardos / Esquilar Felipe 1 of 11
2 2 Argentina CDs / Libros Felipe 2 of 11
3 3 Argentina Cama Elástica / Palos Chinos Alejandro 1 of 10
4 4 Argentina → Uruguay Aguja / Tronco Alejandro 1 of 9
5 5 Uruguay Zancos / Patines Alejandro 1 of 8
6 6 Uruguay → Chile Techo / Pared Alejandro 1 of 8
7 7 Chile Arqueología / Bicicletas Alejandro 5 of 7ϵ [1]
8 8 Chile No Detour Felipe 4 of 6 [2]
9 9 Chile → Ecuador Dulce / Salado Alejandro 4 of 5
10 10 Ecuador Salto del Mono / Rock Jumping Felipe 2 of 5 [3]
11 11 Ecuador → Brazil Coco / Berimbau Felipe 2 of 4
12 12 Brazil Wasabi / Sashimi Felipe 3 of 3 [4]
13 No Detour Felipe 2 of 3
Average 2.17
     The team finished in first place
     The team finished in last place and was eliminated from the race
     The team finished in last place in a non-elimination leg
     The team that won The Amazing Race
     The team that crossed the Finish Line second
     The team that crossed the Finish Line third
ϵ The team used the Express Pass somewhere during the leg
> The team used the Yield
< Recipient of the Yield
The team used the U-Turn
Recipient of the U-Turn
The team that used the second slot of the "Double U-Turn"
Recipient of a second U-Turn due to the "Double U-Turn" twist

1: Felipe & Alejandro elected to use the Express Pass to bypass an additional task in the Puritama hot springs in Leg 7.
2: Felipe & Alejandro arrived 3rd, but received a 15-minute penalty as they were caught speeding, dropping their placement to 4th.
3: Felipe & Alejandro arrived 2nd, but received a 1-hour penalty as they were caught speeding. This did not affect their placement.
4: Leg 12 was a double-length leg with one Detour and two Roadblocks and was shown over two episodes.



External links[]

The Amazing Race 3 (Latin America) Teams
 Ale & Eze
LAS3 AleEze
 Andre & Nico
LAS3 AndreNico
 Felipe & Alejandro
LAS3 FelipeAlejandro
 Kathy & Rick
LAS3 KathyRick
LAS3 MarisolJosé
 Maxi & Demi
LAS3 MaxiDemi
 Mónica & Rosy
LAS3 MónicaRosy
LAS3 RosarioPablo
 Vero & Gaba
LAS3 VeroGaba