The Amazing Race Wiki

Fernando "Fer" Ruas and Ferdinei "Ferds" Martins are a team of Boyfriends on The Amazing Race 4 (Latin America).



  • Age: 32
  • Hometown: São Paulo, SP
  • Occupation: Business Administrator


  • Age: 32
  • Hometown: São Paulo, SP
  • Occupation: Photographer

The Amazing Race 4 (Latin America)[]

Race History[]

Fer & Ferds's Race History
Episode Leg Destination(s) Detour Choice
Placement Notes
1 1 Distrito Federal No Detour Ferds 4 of 11
2 2 Distrito Federal → Minas Gerais Pão de Queijo / Pedra de Sabao Ferds 3 of 11 [1]
3 3 Minas Gerais Seco / Molhado Fer 5 of 9 [2]
4 4 Minas Gerais → São Paulo Pizza / Manequins Fer 3 of 9
5 5 São Paulo → Peru Redes / Fardos Ferds 3 of 8
6 6 Peru Estátuas / Touros Fer 2 of 7 [3]
7 7 Peru → Bolivia Aparapitas / Escribas Ferds 3 of 7 [4]
8 8 Bolivia Tijolos / Plantio Ferds 2 of 6
9 9 Bolivia → São Paulo Canyoning / Arborismo Fer 3 of 5
10 10 São Paulo → Rio de Janeiro Resistência / Ação Fer 3 of 5
11 11 Rio de Janeiro → Ceará Futevólei / Caipirinhas Fer 2 of 4 [5]
12 12 Ceará → Amazonas Acquaball / TIF Ferds 1 of 3 [6]
13 No Detour Ferds 2 of 3
Average 2.92
     The team finished in first place
     The team finished in last place and was eliminated from the race
     The team finished in last place in a non-elimination leg
     The team that won The Amazing Race
     The team that crossed the Finish Line second
     The team that crossed the Finish Line third
ϵ The team used the Express Pass somewhere during the leg
The team used the U-Turn
Recipient of the U-Turn
The team that used the second slot of the "Double U-Turn"
Recipient of a second U-Turn due to the "Double U-Turn" twist
This team was penalized with an automatic "U-Turn"

1: Fer & Ferds initially arrived 1st, but they received a 30-minute penalty for not picking up their Roadblock clue, dropping their placement to 3rd.
2: Fer & Ferds initially arrived 6th, but received a 30-minute penalty for skipping the U-Turn area. However, since Gabriela & Harã, received an additional 2-hour penalty, this bumped them up to 5th.
3: Fer & Ferds initially arrived in 1st place, however they received a 15-minute penalty for traveling by taxi to the Puente de los Suspiros, instead of traveling by bus as indicated in the clue, dropping them to 2nd place.
4: Fer & Ferds initially arrived in 2nd place, however they received a 15-minutes penalty for improperly completing the Detour, dropping them to 3rd place.
5: Fer & Ferds initially arrived in 1st place, however they received a 30-minute penalty because they read the clue before choosing the team member that was going to perform the Roadblock. They dropped to 2nd place.
6: Leg 12 was a double-length leg with one Detour and two Roadblocks and was shown over two episodes.



  • First all-male team to cross the Finish Line in 2nd place without winning any legs.

External links[]

The Amazing Race 4 (Latin America) Teams
 Billy & Gean
LAS4 BillyGean
 Ci & Lu
 Ciça & Zezão
LAS4 CiçaZezão
LAS4 DanielCésar
 Edu & Rick
LAS4 EduRick
 Fer & Ferds
LAS4 FerFerds
 Fuzetti & Nando
LAS4 FuzettiNando
LAS4 GabrielaHarã
 Renan & Fran
LAS4 RenanFran