The Amazing Race Wiki

Gino Montani and Jesse Montani are a team of Brothers and the Official Winners of The Amazing Race Canada 3.



Age: 28 (March 18, 1987)
Occupation: Works for the city of Hamilton
Current City: Hamilton
Hometown: Hamilton
Strengths: Strong, smart, and determined.
Fears/ Phobias: Afraid of failure
Favorite Travel Destination: Barcelona, Spain
Pet Peeve about Teammate: "Instead of text messaging 'ok' Jesse sends 'kk'. Drives me crazy!"


Age: 25 (November 22, 1989)
Occupation: Steelworker
Current City: Hamilton
Hometown: Hamilton
Strengths: Coordinated, athletic, and problem solver.
Fears/ Phobias: Snakes
Favorite Travel Destination: Las Vegas
Pet Peeve about Teammate: "90% of the time Gino falls asleep during a movie."

Gino and Jesse are athletic, Italian brothers who bring their resilient confidence and determination to the race. Being raised by a single mother made them close-knit siblings because they had each other to lean on. Their mother was their role model growing up and taught them to work hard and live a positive life, making them true momma boys at heart.

The Montani brothers do everything together, whether it's playing hockey, lifting weights at the gym, or spending time with friends.

They are fans of Dan Lue from Survivor: The Amazon.

Gino graduated from Brock University with a degree in Geography, which he believes will be a major asset on the race. Jesse attended McMaster University on a football scholarship, but had to give up his dream of a professional football career after a hand injury. He is currently working at a steel mill and simultaneously pursuing a career in firefighting.

Winning THE AMAZING RACE CANADA would allow the brothers to buy a cottage, a few toys like motorcycles and ATVs, and most importantly, take their family on a nice vacation.

Fun Facts[]

Motto: "Losing is NOT an Option."
Team they most associate with from Season 1 or 2: Jet & Dave
What would your team walk-on song be? "Save the World" by Swedish House Mafia
What fruit or vegetable matches your personality and why?

  • Gino: Pineapple - hard/rough exterior and sweet/colourful interior.
  • Jesse: Peach - full of Flavour and liked by everyone.

If your life was being made into a movie, who would you cast to play you?

  • Gino: Brad Pitt
  • Jesse: Tom Hardy

What's in your backpack? Clothes, shoes, flashlight, toiletries bag, calculator, pen, paper, protein, identification. (Jesse)
What's your must-have item of clothing? A nicely fitted T. (Jesse)
What's one thing you wish you could bring on the race? My barber - nothing better than a fresh cut. (Jesse)
How did you train for the race? Went to the gym daily, re-watched 'The Amazing Race Canada' Seasons 1 and 2, maintained a clean diet, studied Canadian maps, currency, politics, etc., worked with Jesse on different memorization tactics. (Gino)
How did you choose your team colour? We chose Azzurri Blue (Italy's Colour). (Gino)
What's one thing you wish you could bring on the race? My smartphone. It has so many apps and gadgets that would help on the race. (Gino)

The Amazing Race Canada 3[]

Race History[]

Gino & Jesse's Race History
Episode Leg Destination(s) Detour Choice
Placement Notes
1 1 Quebec → Ontario No Detour Jesse 1 of 12 [1]
2 2 Ontario → Chile Motion / Emotion Gino 10 of 11
3 3 Chile → Argentina Dance / Dine Jesse 2 of 10
4 4 Argentina → Nova Scotia Bubbles / Suds Jesse 7 of 9
5 5 Nova Scotia → Quebec Ride It / Pull It Gino 1 of 8
6 6 Quebec → Ontario Used Fast Forward 1 of 8
7 7 Ontario → Saskatchewan Nimitook / Mikwap Jesse 2 of 7
8 8 Saskatchewan → India Tuck / Roll Gino 5 of 6
9 9 India Slam It / Spice It Gino 2 of 5
10 10 India → British Columbia Brains / Brawn Jesse 1 of 5
11 11 British Columbia → Alberta Paper / Plastic Jesse 3 of 4
12 12 Alberta → British Columbia No Detour Gino 1 of 3 [1]
Average 3.00
     The team finished in first place
     The team finished in last place and was eliminated from the race
     The team finished in last place in a non-elimination leg
     The team that won The Amazing Race
     The team that crossed the Finish Line second
     The team that crossed the Finish Line third
The team used the Fast Forward pass
ϵ The team used the Express Pass somewhere during the leg
The team used the U-Turn
Recipient of the U-Turn
The team that used the second slot of the "Double U-Turn"
Recipient of a second U-Turn due to the "Double U-Turn" twist
The team that lost the Double Battle

1: This leg featured two Roadblocks and no Detour. The team member who sat out the first Roadblock was required to perform the second one.


Franchise Records[]

  • Gino & Jesse are the first team to use the U-Turn multiple times.
  • First team to place in a double digit position and still win.


  • First winning team to win a leg prior to crossing the Finish Line first.
  • First team to win the first leg and also went on to win the race.
  • First team to not be awarded the Express Pass for coming first on the first leg.
  • First all-male team to win the Fast Forward.

External links[]


  • Samantha Payne on 95.3 Fresh Radio (06/24/2015): "Gino and Jesse Montani on AMAZING RACE CANADA"
  • Marci Ien on Canada AM (09/24/2015): "The race is over, and the winner is...?"
  • Ruth Myles at Calgary Herald (09/24/2015): "Amazing Race Canada winners have no regrets, plenty of travel plans"
  • Cassandra Szklarski at The Star (09/24/2015): "Amazing Race Canada winners to embark on new adventures"
  • Amber Dowling at (09/24/2015): "What went right: The Amazing Race winners, Gino and Jesse"
  • Jeevan Brar at The TV Watercooler (09/24/2015): "Gino & Jesse win the third season of The Amazing Race Canada!"
  • Greg David at TV, eh?: What's Up in Canadian Television (09/25/2015): "Interview: Amazing Race Canada Winners Give Tips to Wannabe Racers"
  • Gordon L Gale & Wayne Arthurson at TARCA with Gord and Wayne (09/26/2015): "Gino and Jesse, Amazing Race Canada Season 3 Winners"
  • Kelly Townsend at The TV Junkies (09/29/2015): "The Amazing Race Canada Winners Share Their Best and Worst Moments"

Social Media Profiles[]


The Amazing Race Canada 3 Teams
 Brent & Sean
CAS3 BrentSean
CAS3 BrianCynthia
 Dana & Amanda
CAS3 DanaAmanda
 Gino & Jesse
CAS3 GinoJesse
 Max & Elias
CAS3 MaxElias
 Neil & Kristin
CAS3 NeilKristin
CAS3 NicSabrina
 Nick & Matt
Wrestling Teammates
CAS3 NickMatt
 Simi & Ope
CAS3 SimiOpe
 Susan & Sharnjit
CAS3 SusanSharnjit
The Amazing Race Winners
United States
 Rob & Brennan
Best Friends
S1 RobBrennan
 Chris & Alex
Lifelong Friends
S2 ChrisAlex
 Flo & Zach
S3 FloZach
S4 ReichenChip
 Chip & Kim
Married Parents
S5 ChipKim
 Freddy & Kendra
Engaged Models
S6 FreddyKendra
S7 UchennaJoyce
 Linz Family
S8 LinzFamily
 BJ & Tyler
Best Friends
S9 BJTyler
S10 TylerJames
S11 EricDanielle
 TK & Rachel
Newly Dating
S12 TKRachel
 Nick & Starr
S13 NickStarr
 Tammy & Victor
S14 TammyVictor
S15 MeghanCheyne
 Dan & Jordan
S16 DanJordan
 Nat & Kat
S17 NatKat
 Kisha & Jen
S18 KishaJen
 Ernie & Cindy
S19 ErnieCindy
 Rachel & Dave
Army Wife & Combat Pilot
S20 RachelDave
 Josh & Brent
Goat Farmers
S21 JoshBrent
 Bates & Anthony
Hockey Brothers
S22 BatesAnthony
 Jason & Amy
S23 JasonAmy
 Dave & Connor
S24 DaveConnor
 Amy & Maya
Food Scientists
S25 AmyMaya
 Laura & Tyler
Blind Dating
S26 LauraTyler
 Kelsey & Joey
Dating News Anchors
S27 KelseyJoey
 Dana & Matt
S28 DanaMatt
 Brooke & Scott
#TeamBrooke andScott
S29 BrookeScott
S30 CodyJessica
 Colin & Christie
Life Partners
S31 ColinChristie
 Will & James
S32 WillJames
 Kim & Penn
Internet Personalities
S33 KimPenn
 Derek & Claire
Reality Romance
S34 DerekClaire
 Greg & John
Brothers/Computer Scientists
S35 GregJohn
 Ricky & Cesar
S36 RickyCesar
 Joe Jer & Zabrina
ASS1 JoeJerZabrina
 Adrian & Collin
Gym Buddies
ASS2 AdrianCollin
 Vince & Sam
Best Buddies
ASS3 VinceSam
 Parul & Maggie
Beauty Queens
ASS5 ParulMaggie
AUS1 TylerNathan
 Daniel & Ryan
Intensive Care Nurses
AUS3 DanielRyan
 Tim & Rod
AUS4 TimRod
 Heath & Toni
Memory Makers
AUS6 HeathToni
 Alli & Angie
AUS7 AlliAngie
 Darren & Tristan
AUS7 DarrenTristan
 Emma & Hayley
AUS7 EmmaHayley
BRS1 PatríciaSane
 Tim & Tim
Father & Son
CAS1 TimTim
 Mickey & Pete
Best Friends
CAS2 MickeyPete
 Gino & Jesse
CAS3 GinoJesse
CAS4 StephKristen
 Sam & Paul
Dating Couple
CAS5 SamPaul
 Courtney & Adam
Engaged First Responders
CAS6 CourtneyAdam
CAS7 AnthonyJames
 Catherine & Craig
Best Friends
CAS8 CatherineCraig
 Ty & Kat
CAS9 TyKat
 Taylor & Katie
Best Friends
CAS10 TaylorKatie
CNS1 ZhongHanliangJackie
 Geng & Xin
CNS2 HanGengWuXin
CNS4 JiaJingwenXiuJiekai
China Rush
 Charlie & Rachel
Flirtatious Friends
CRS1 CharlieRachel
 Lily & Jan
Dating Couple
CRS2 LilyJan
 Kaisa & Mari
FNS1 KaisaMari
 Anthony & Sonja
Cyber Friends
FRS1 AnthonySonja
 Shay & Guy
Business Partners
ILS1 ShayGuy
 Bar & Inna
Painter & Saleswoman
ILS2 BarInna
 Talia & Koby
ILS3 TaliaKoby
 Shay & Shani
ILS4 ShayShani
 Amit & Raz
ILS5 AmitRaz
ILS6 EvelinTohar
 Tia & Fay
ILS7 TiaFay
 Yael & Yosiel
ILS8 YaelYosiel
 Lee & Anne
ILS9 LeeAnne
Latin America
LAS1 TamaraMatías
LAS2 CarlosMauricio
LAS4 DanielCésar
 Giovanni & Juan Carlos
LAS6 GiovanniJuanCarlos
 Morten & Truls
NOS1 MortenTruls
 Omar & Bilal
NOS2 OmarBilal
The Philippines
 LJ & CJ
Celebrity Best Friends
 Matt & Phoebe
Dating Couple
PHS2 MattPhoebe
 Valeria & Bohdana
Beauty Queens
UAS1 ValeriaBohdana
 Hương Giang & Criss
VNS3 HươngGiangCriss
 Ngọc Anh & Nhật Anh
Diving Coaches
VNS4 NgọcAnhNhậtAnh
 Lincoln & Tiến Đạt
Hotel Manager/Rapper
VNS5 LincolnTiếnĐạt