The Amazing Race Wiki

Miguel Villaneuva and Hector Valenzuela are a team of Amigos on The Amazing Race: China Rush 1.



  • Nationality: Mexico
  • Age: 27

Originally from Mexico, Miguel is now based in Beijing working as an international trader for a car racing organization. He previously worked in translation and as a computer engineer.


  • Nationality: Mexico
  • Age: 31

Good family friends with Miguel, Mexican-born Hector is also living in Beijing and studying at the moment. His previous jobs include being a teacher and an electronics technician.

When Miguel posed as Hector's uncle and rescued him from a boarding school two years ago, they instantly became friends. Originally from Mexico, but currently living in Beijing, this duo love to go out together and drink vodka. They are excited to travel around China and take on new challenges.

The Amazing Race: China Rush 1[]

Race History[]

Charlie & Rachel's Race History
Episode Leg Destination(s) Detour Choice
Placement Notes
1 1 Shanghai → Zhejiang No Detour Miguel 8 of 10
2 2 Zhejiang → Jiangsu Warrior's Strength / Warrior's Skill Miguel 9 of 10
3 3 Jiangsu Rock / Roll Hector 9 of 9
Average 8.67
     The team finished in first place
     The team finished in last place and was eliminated from the race
     The team finished in last place in a non-elimination leg
     The team that won The Amazing Race
     The team that crossed the Finish Line second
     The team that crossed the Finish Line third
> The team used the Yield
< Recipient of the Yield
The team used the U-Turn
Recipient of the U-Turn


External links[]

The Amazing Race: China Rush 1 Teams
 Bonnie & Mel
Expat Wives
CRS1 BonnieMel
 Charlie & Rachel
Flirtatious Friends
CRS1 CharlieRachel
 Deepak & Naresh
Cricket Fanatics
CRS1 DeepakNaresh
 Janis & Aleksandra
Reality TV Veterans
CRS1 JanisAleksandra
 Lisa & Karen
CRS1 LisaKaren
 Miguel & Hector
CRS1 MiguelHector
 Paul & Francis
Maasai Warriors
CRS1 PaulFrancis
 Rick & Josh
Best Mates
CRS1 RickJosh
 Sarah & Molly
CRS1 SarahMolly
 Sean & Amy
Newly Dating
CRS1 SeanAmy