The Amazing Race Wiki

Racing for Our Lives is the sixth episode of The Amazing Race Canada 8.


Route Markers[]

The order of departure from Predator Ridge Resort at the Biathlon Range are as follows:

  1. Jesse & Marika (5:19 am)
  2. Franca & Nella (5:20 am)
  3. Brendan & Connor (5:34 am)
  4. Beverley & Veronica (6:02 am)
  5. Cassie & Jahmeek (6:32 am)
  6. Cedric & Tychon (7:01 am)

Teams must fly to Toronto, Ontario. Upon arrival, teams must take the subway to Marshalls Yonge & Gerrard Street to find their next clue.

At Marshalls, teams had to memorize a photograph of an outfit and search the aisles for four matching items, which had to cost less than $200, to receive their next clue.

Teams must take a ViaRail train to London, Ontario. Upon arrival, teams must drive themselves to East Park Golf Gardens and find the 10th fairway to find a special clue.

At East Park Golf Gardens, teams found Jon Montgomery, who informed them that two out of three teams who were unable to continue due to COVID-19 would be re-entering the competition after solving a riddle and finding an On Ramp Pass in a well. The team who could not find a pass was eliminated.

Choice A: Aviate
Teams must make their way to Norton Wolf School of Aviation and Aerospace Technology and attach a propellor to a Cessna 150 to receive their next clue

Beverley & Veronica, Brendan & Connor, and Cedric & Tychon chose this task.

Choice B: Animate
Teams must make their way to the School of Digital and Performing Arts, where one team member had to don a motion capture suit and recreate the movements of an animated movie starring Jon Montgomery, without watching the movie, to receive their next clue, while their partner took on the role of director. Once teams began an attempt, the director could not instruct their partner. Jesse & Marika used their Express Pass to bypass this task.

Cassie & Jahmeek, Catherine & Craig, Court & Ali, Franca & Nella, and Jesse & Marika chose this task.

"Who wants a new best friend?"

The team member assigned to this Roadblock had to lead a dog through a dog agility course within 45 seconds to receive their next clue.

The Roadblock performers per team are underlined:

Teams must make their way to Western University to find their next clue.

At the Western Interdisciplinary Research Building, teams had to don a Muse headband and mediate until they heard 30 birds chirps from the headband's app to receive their next clue

Teams must make their way to Western Alumni Stadium to check in.

For coming in first place, Franca & Nella won a trip for two to Honolulu, Hawaii and a $1500 gift card to Marshalls.

This leg is a No-Rest Leg. Teams would check in as normal, but would receive their clue to start the next leg from host Jon Montgomery. The team that comes in last place does not face a penalty.


     First Place •      Eliminated     Last placer on a Non-Elimination Leg or continue racing on a No-Rest Leg     Season winner •      Season 2nd place •      Season 3rd place • ϵ Used the Express Pass User the first Double Pass slot • Recipient of the first Double Pass slot User of the second Double Pass slot • Recipient of the second Pass slot• Team that lost the Double Battle
Franca & Nella
 1st place 
Franca & Nella
Brendan & Connor
 2nd place 
Brendan & Connor
Cedric & Tychon
 3rd place 
Cedric & Tychon
Father and Son
Beverley & Veronica
 4th place 
Beverley & Veronica
Cassie & Jahmeek
 5th place 
Cassie & Jahmeek
Jesse & Marika
 6th placeϵ 
Jesse & Marika
Catherine & Craig
 7th place 
Catherine & Craig
Best Friends
Court & Ali
 8th place 
Court & Ali
Dennis & Durrell
 9th place 
Dennis & Durrell
Uncle and Nephew



The Amazing Race Canada 8 Episodes

"Come on Doodlebug" · "Goatageddon" · "We Love Weenies!" · "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways" · "I'm a Human Kite" · "Racing for Our Lives" · "What the Duck Is Going On?" · "Give Me a Moustache and Call Me Sherlock Holmes" · "I Love You. I Know" · "Is That a Wild Peacock?" · "Where Is Gurmail"
