The Amazing Race Latin America 2: Episode 2 is the second episode of The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel 2.
Route Markers[]
Teams must make their way to Canopy Course to search for the next clue.
Teams had to complete a canopy course to receive their next clue.
Teams must fly to the city of Mexico City, Mexico. Upon they will have to take a bus to Puebla to find their next clue.
Teams must make their way to Fonda Santa Clara where they'll find their next clue.
Teams must make their way to Casa de las Artesanias where they'll search their next clue.
Mauricio & Mariana had to make papel picado before they could continue racing.
Teams had to elaborate "mole poblano" using a metate to receive their next clue.
Teams must make their way to Dulcería La Central where they'll find their next clue.
Teams had to sell traditional sweets known as "Gallitos" in "Senda de la mujer". Once completed, teams had to eat a tray of sweets before receiving their next clue.
After eating the sweets, teams had to search for seven churches obtaining a seal from a clerical authority. These were the San Jerónimo, Inmaculada Concepción, Santo Domingo, Niño Cieguito, Espíritu Santo, San Cristóbal churches and the Puebla Cathedral. Once completed, teams received their next clue.
Teams make their way to Zócalo de Puebla where they'll find their next clue
Choice A: Platazos
Teams had to reveal the identity of a Mexican hero with the clue "As a child he was nicknamed as a sly and mischievous animal" (Miguel Hidalgo), then teams had to make their way to the Parián craft market, buy Talavera dishes and complete the name of the hero to receive their next clue.
Choice B: Garrotazos
Teams had to reveal the identity of another Mexican hero with the clue "This had a visible scar on the nose" (José María Morelos), then teams had to make their way to the artists quarter and break a Mexican piñata, the teams had to complete the name of the Mexican hero to receive their next clue.
A team member had to place their hands in a bowl full of Madagascar hissing cockroaches for one minute before retrieving their next clue from the bowl.
Teams must make their way to Africam Safari to check in.
First Place • Eliminated • Last placer on a Non-Elimination Leg or continue racing on a No-Rest Leg • Season winner • Season 2nd place • Season 3rd place • ∇ Team that lost the Double Battle